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Killer brings daughter and wife to murder scene.

When the killer is first to arrive on scene…

On May 7th 2017, David Kinney murdered his long time friend and recent lover Brad Mcgarry.

We begin this with a panicked call from David Kinney’s wife, reporting how they had found Brad’s body.

David Kinney was with his wife and young daughter at Brad’s house to loan Brad a weed eater. At this point David was playing the role of concerned friend. Below is a clip of David Kinney and his wife talking about what they have just seen.

The police conduct their initial investigation and suspect it could be a suicide. This however is quickly ruled out when they cannot find a gun at the crime scene. They turn Brad over in order to make sure he has not fallen on the gun. Once this is confirmed the only other option for detectives is homicide.

The police then turn to the state of Brad’s house which has been trashed leading the police to suspect a potential robbery gone wrong could have been the motive for the crime. This again is quickly ruled out given nothing of value has been taken, even cash scattered around hasn’t been touched.

The police then turn to interview family members of Brad to try and find out his movements on the day of the murder. A cousin of Brad talks about his last relationship with a man named Scottie. This is detectives first lead and they track down the man known as Scottie however he has been in jail for 3 months for a parole violation giving him a rock solid alibi. The detective then questions the cousin further on any more recent relationships to which she mentions a man named DJ, stating ‘they were having sex.’ She then drops a bombshell on the detective and identifies the DJ as David Kinney.

With this information detectives now strongly suspect that David is hiding things from them. They get David to hand over his phone under the pretense of looking at crime scene pictures, however they really go back through his messages to establish what kind of relationship David had with Brad. It quickly becomes apparent that the relationship was sexual and that Brad wanted David to leave his wife for him. Now they strongly suspect David they begin to gather more evidence such as phone location which puts David at the scene during the time of the murder. To back this up a neighbors camera catches him driving towards Brad’s house and then leaving 42 minutes later during the time of the murder.

The police initially apply pressure to David and confront him with evidence. Under the initial pressure he cracks slightly and does admit to being there at the time of the murder but gives a very different account. He claims another man shot Brad after they got into an argument and David was so scared he ran away.

However, the detective doesn’t buy this story and confronts David with the fact he knew that Brad's body was in the basement but still allowed his daughter to come with him to the house. This is quite a shocking but true point as David did bring his young daughter with the full knowledge that they would find a body.

The pressure begins to ramp up on David and he confesses that Brad wanted him to leave his wife for him. David states that he did not want to leave his wife and that this angered Brad leading to the two having an argument. During this argument David speaks about how Brad pulled out a gun and began waving it in his face

Clearly David has given up trying to hide the murder and eventually confesses to the crime. It has been a skilled interrogation by detectives and they have their confession.

David was a cold blooded killer who was able to kill his best friend in order to protect himself. He then returned to the scene with his wife and child in an attempt to place him outside suspicion. Whether the two really did have an argument or whether David killed Brad due to a cold calculated decision it remains to be seen. Either way in February 2018 David was convicted of murder and sentenced to life without parole.

Thank you for reading



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