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18 Year Old Removes Mothers Brain

On March 26th 2014 Kevin Davis,then 18, bludgeoned his own mother (50) to death using a hammer. This crime was shocking however the interview that followed was so gruesome I couldn’t post some parts to TikTok.

The Crime

Kevin had been struggling with mental health issues and finally when he was 18 confronted his mom and stated he wanted to kill himself. With this admission his mother was clearly upset by this and threatened to send him to live with his sister. She also stated that she couldn’t control his actions. Clearly Kevin didn’t like the threats or the answer he was given. Later Kevin stated ‘I knew I had to act now’. Clearly Kevin’s long standing fantasies could wait no longer and he decided to murder his own mother. He went and grabbed a cord from his video game, strangling his mother with this cord. This method however did not work as she ‘started screaming’. He then ran upstairs and grabbed a hammer, hitting his mother over 20 times. Later on he spoke about the fact his mother was still ‘snoring’ after this onslaught therefore he used his bare hands to destroy her brain. See below clip of him describing exactly what he did with her brains.

After he had finished destroying his mother’s brain, he then dragged her body into the bedroom where he continued his sick and twisted crime. He had sex with his mothers corpse also later stating how he ‘came inside’ her. It seems Kevin had a fantasy of doing this as he later described himself as ‘a bit of a pervert’ as he had had these fantasies for a while. I can’t even imagine what was going through his mind when he decided to kill and then sexually assault his own mother. I think he was correct when he described himself as a pervert.

Once he had committed his crime he then fled the scene on his bike, but not before leaving a note to the police ‘chase me’. The reason he gave for writing this note is that he was in a ‘playful mood’ and that his plans had been ruined anyway. Kevin attempted to escape on his bike however eventually gave up and called police from a phone he borrowed from a nearby house. Under interrogation Kevin spoke about how his ‘life wasn’t going anywhere’, therefore he called police to get the arrest over with. Another potential reason for the police call was, as said by Kevin, that he was ‘done’ with killing and also stating ‘I had my fill’. Now either Kevin is merely talking down his threat in order to receive a lighter sentence or he genuinely didn’t want to kill again. However about 30 seconds later in the interview he states that he would kill again and prefers his woman dead. I have included the clip of this particular exchange below.

Further Interview Clips

The interview was sickening as Kevin was so upfront and honest when describing what he had done and why he had done it. It is certainly mind blowing to hear someone talk so calmly about the murder of their own mother. Below we will go through some of the craziest pieces of the interview.

During the interview Kevin describes how he cut open a cat and had sex with it. If this is true it was a very clear sign that something was not right inside Kevin. As we all know the serial killer triad includes animal harm as one of its top indicators of later violence. He then goes on to describe a person as ‘a piece of meat’. Kevin clearly had no regard for human life and was only interested in satisfying his dark desires.

Further to the clip already seen about his mother’s brain; a detective asks why there was blood on a knife if it wasn’t used in the attack to which Kevin responds with ‘Actually I used that to stir up her brains a little’. After those comments the detective decides to test Kevins level of remorse for his crimes by asking if he is sorry for what he did. Kevin responds with ‘In a way, yes but I wouldn’t take back what I did’. Clearly Kevin knew his actions were wrong however choose to do this anyway no matter the harm he caused. This is also important to note as later Kevin’s defense tried to claim insanity but it was clear he knew the difference between right and wrong.

Kevin was also asked for a reason why he decided to kill his own mother. He answered with ‘Absolutely nothing. I’m just a terrible, disgusting person’. I think this is a pretty accurate description of himself. The detectives also asked about his plans to kill his sister to which he replied ‘I decided against it because well I had my fill of killing. It seemed a bit much’. This is quite intriguing as he later stated he wanted to kill again so these two statements conflict with each other. We will never really know what was going through his mind and why he committed this crime or why he decided to stop.

Overall the interview is quite shocking and not for the faint hearted given his open discussion of all the exact details of his crime. This was a horrific assault that could have been so much worse had he been allowed to walk the streets for any longer. He is an unpredictable young man with lots of repressed rage and anger towards women.

After the Fact

In court Kevin was sentenced to life imprisonment as the death penalty was off the table given it wasn’t a capital murder charge. He is currently serving his sentence at a facility in Richmond, Texas. He will be eligible for parole in 2044.

Thank you for reading



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