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14 Year Old Psychopath Aiden Fucci

Worrying Signs

Aiden Fucci was a troubled young man and at age 14 was displaying some worrying signs. Teachers described him as having a know it all attitude and showing little respect for authority. He would often get into fights with other classmates however he was not a complete loner as is so often the case. More troubling than this, Aiden had an obsession with murder. Numerous times he would tell his friends that he wanted to know what it was like to kill someone. Below is one friend describing his obsession to police the types of things Aiden would tell him.

This is quite a shocking clip however most friends believed this was just a teenager displaying morbid curiosity and nothing more. Aiden would also take this one step further and describe how he would carry out his murder. Saying he would lead his victim into the woods and then stab them to death. Sadly this exact scenario plays out for Aiden. A psychologist talks at the things Aiden described before the murders at trial.

Lastly Aiden's girlfriend spoke to police stating that Aiden heard voices telling him to kill. It is not known whether Aiden actually heard these or was using them as a defense for his dark urges. He would also pretend to stab his girlfriend and practice the motion of stabbing using his knives affectionately named picker and pocker. Both of these are pretty worrying however no one took Aiden seriously until it was too late.

The Night of May 8th

On the night of May 8th 2021 Aiden was at a friend's house with two others when he rang a classmate Tristyn Bailey aged 13. Aiden then convinced her to come round to his friends house where they ‘hung out’ together. At around 2am Tristyn and Aiden are caught leaving the property together on camera. Sometime after this Aiden took Tristyn into the woods before launching his brutal attack and stabbing Tristyn 114 times. Before Tristyn had time to fight back her young life had been taken away by Aiden. A camera then catches sight of Aiden at 3.30 am running through the street carrying his soaked trainers.

It is not long before the body is found and Aiden is brought in for questioning given he was the last person to see her alive. In the back of the cop car Aiden displays a complete lack of remorse and an arrogance which highlights his psychopathic personality. Firstly he takes a selfie ,in the back of the cop car, asking if anyone has seen Tristyn knowing full well he has just ended her life.

Aiden then records another snapchat in the back of the police car which shows he has not grasped the seriousness of his actions.

We don’t have any clips of the actual interrogation however both of Aiden's parents enter the interview room to question their son. It is quite an interesting interaction as Aiden seems completely unbothered by the fact he is a potential suspect in a murder. Firstly he shows no remorse and also no fear of punishment, maybe this is his arrogance creeping in, believing he won’t be caught or charged. At the same time this is going on, police are raiding Aiden’s house and discover a treasure trove of forensic evidence such as a bloody t-shirt, bloody shoes and blood and dirt down the drains in the sink. Clearly Aiden will be charged with murder no matter what he confesses, however it is still interesting to hear him talk with no emotion to his parents.

The police also find a pair of wet jeans however they appear to have been cleaned. It turns out that Aiden’s mother had cleaned the jeans for him in an attempt to protect her son. This is all caught on a CCTV camera inside the Fucci home.

The Courtroom

In a pre-trail hearing Aiden begins acting strange and claiming to hear demons. It is important to note Aiden has never behaved this way before and may be looking to plead insanity. However this act is promptly dropped when it's obvious that the court officials don’t buy it.

During the trail Aiden shows no emotion and can even be seen laughing with his attorney at one point. Even when the family outlines their pain Aiden shows not one ounce of remorse. The only time Aiden seems to show any emotion is when his own grandmother gets up and pleads for leniency with court. She goes on to say that this is not the boy she raised. While it is interesting Aiden actually shows emotion it is not because of his remorse for the crime.

Aiden was eventually sentenced to life imprisonment and will be eligible for parole in 23 years however given the nature of the crime it is unlikely this will be approved.

Thank you for reading.



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